In case you didn't know, a lot of this class was building up to this moment. The inevitable moment when I would have to create the opening to a film. And while I haven't made it yet, it's now time to start fine-tuning what exactly that film is going to be. That begins with choosing a genre...

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aaaaaaand it's:


You might be sitting there, wondering to yourself, I thought your favorite genre was fantasy? to which I would say, why yes, yes it is

The thing is, though, this is going to be a project on a budget. A fantasy movie can get really complicated with that, having to make everything seem otherworldly and such. Also, this selection has been birthed by the beautiful art of compromise. My group and I (yep, not going it alone) had a long discussion about what was in the realm of possibility in class today. The hopes and dreams of my fellow producers lied in a movie to chill the audiences bones, oh the horror! After some talking, we came to the conclusion that it might be out of our abilities as amateurs without technology and expensive monster costumes. We settled on our genre because it just fits too well. We're a group of girls in our last year of high school, and what's more coming of age than that?

I'm looking forward to seeing where this process takes us, and I can't wait for you to meet my team. But that's for another day. Rest assured that brainstorming is going on heavily and there'll be more to read soon. Until then, bye!


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